Digitally Next


Making combinations of: Offer + Awareness + Unboxing in Digital Marketing

Unboxing works on the premise of brands wanting to start on the right foot. Make a great first impression. Because marketers know that first impressions and authentic experiences matter a lot. So much so that, it makes or breaks customer decisions in the space of a few seconds.   And in this context, unboxing becomes a vital opportunity for brand storytelling.   In the moment of unboxing, customers are reeling with the anticipation to find out what’s in store...

The Evolution of Digital Marketing: From Then to Now – Embracing the Era of Digital Social Media

The digital ecosystem has undergone a tectonic shift over the past few decades, redefining the way businesses bridge and build bonds with their target audiences. In the early days, the term "digital marketing" majorly used strategies that leveraged digital platforms for promotional activities. Fast forward to today, we have crossed the rubicon. The world has reached a point of no return where conventional digital marketing efforts has shifted dramatically towards "digital social media," a dynamic and interactive...

Feed based…Search Engine based…Viral/Trending based or All?

In marketing, there is more than one way to skin a cat. This is because when it comes to planning digital campaigns and producing content, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. What works for one may completely tank for another.   For instance, different types of content like feed based, search engine based, viral/trending work best depending on a number of factors, such as the target audience, the goals of the campaign, and the resources available...

3 ways Chatbots are Revolutionizing Customer Interactions

By 2026, 50% of B2B buyers will interact with a digital human in a buying cycle (Source: Gartner)   Not just that, even Drift’s latest State of Conversational Marketing report concluded that the stars are aligned for chatbots to take over the consumer support ecosystem. The survey revealed chatbots are seeing faster growth than any other brand communication channel, with usage increasing by 92% between 2019 and 2020.   So what’s so special about chatbots that they’re a...

4 Steps to Elevate D2C Post-Purchase Experience

Post-purchase personalization increases customer retention by 40% and savings by five times that would otherwise be spent on acquiring new customers. (Source: Inc42) When customers enter social media, they are immediately thrown into the realm of well targeted sponsored advertisements, string of marketing prompts, etc. This is because the objective of D2C businesses is to provide today's tech-savvy consumers with hard-to-find products and trend-focused designs.   But how can one tell a new company is to be trusted? How...

7 Ways D2C Brands Can Master the Art of Visibility

In today's crowded landscape, direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands face the challenge of standing out and gaining visibility among their target audience.The fact is, every D2C model is clamoring for attention.However, the good news is that with the right strategies and tactics, D2C brands can master the art of visibility and increase their brand awareness, reach, and ultimately, their sales.   To that end, let us explore the key approaches that D2C brands can adopt to enhance...

Using Voice Search in Digital Marketing

The voice recognition market will reach over $27 billion by 2026  (Statista)   The way we look for information is currently going through a tectonic shift. Now we no longer wait to type it out. Instead questions are verbally spelled out and responses are expected in no time. It’s true. More and more people are switching over to voice searches instead of typing out their queries. Ever wondered why the change of heart?   Not one but three major factors...

Don’t miss strategic perspective while implementing Digital performance marketing

Implementing 360-degree digital performance marketing without having a strategic plan guiding the whole mission is akin to taking a shot in the dark. Chances are bleak for the arrow to hit the bull’s eye. Meet the target. Create the impact. Clearly, not having a game plan might end up diluting your marketing efforts! But why is strategy so important?   Understanding the Strategic Perspective:  Digital performance marketing focuses on maximizing measurable results and return on investment (ROI) by leveraging...

Be it B2B, B2C, D2C, B2G, C2C, C2B, etc… There is no one-size-fits-all plan

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are constantly exploring different avenues to reach their target audience and maximize their profitability. What works for one may completely tank for another. With a multitude of business models available, such as B2B (Business-to-Business), B2C (Business-to-Consumer), D2C (Direct-to-Consumer), B2G (Business-to-Government), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer), and C2B (Consumer-to-Business), it is essential for businesses to recognize that no single strategy can be universally applied across all sectors. Each model has its unique...

Time-to-Market (TTM) drives Go-to-Market(GTM)

Time-to-market (TTM) refers to the length of time between product conception and when that product finally sees the light of the day in the market.   It is the teething stage, shortening which is the prime pursuit of many companies, as it directly drives their Go-to-Market strategy and, in extension, decides whether their product offering would manage to get in the good books of the paying customer or not. So how do companies use this gift...